If you want to connect Enterprise Architect with Cloud Services or Pro Cloud Server – where no user credentials are part of connection string – because you should use IIS for authentification – then it may make sense to encrypt the Connection Stri…
If you want to connect Enterprise Architect with Cloud Services or Pro Cloud Server – where no user credentials are part of connection string – because you should use IIS for authentification – then it may make sense to encrypt the Connection Stri…
The Sparx Systems Cloud Services application provides a convenient mechanism for hosti…
This article describes the default installation and basic configuration of Sparx Clo…
The easiest way to get started with the Sparx Cloud Services zu starten is to create a …
Sparx Systems Pty Ltd (Australia) was founded in 1996 and is the developer of Enterprise Architect, a globally successful modeling platform.
Enterprise Architect and related tools (Pro Cloud …
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<p><a href=”https://blog.sparxsystems.de/wp-content/banner-e1647511142881.png”><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-9110″ src=”https://blog.sparxsystems.de/wp-content/banner-e1647511142881.pn…
Register now for the Enterprise Architect 16 Roadshow in Stockholm and Brussels
The value of EA 16 and why to change
Dear EA Community
Enterprise Architect 16 is a highly anticipated upgrad…
Please find below our most recent information regarding the following two Spring vulnerabilities: