The article is intended at beginners and advanced users alike and shows the basic configuration of project options recommended for Enterprise Architect.
Configuration Dialog for Project Options
Ribbon [Configure] , Section [Model] , Symbol [Options]
General Options
(necessary , recommended)
Attention: If a specific EA version is set here by selection in [Minimum Version] and [Minimum Build], the repository (project) can only be opened on a workstation if at least this or a newer EA version is installed/available on this workstation!
MDG Technologies
(necessary , recommended)
Attention: For modeling with technologies that are available in different versions, only one of these technology versions may be activated! Therefore the version required for this repository (project) must be activated, all others must be deactivated! But please note that a technology (version) configured here must be installed/available on the respective workstation so that this repository (project) can be opened from there.
Options for Source Code Engineering
(necessary , recommended)
Options for Object Lifetimes
(necessary , recommended)