The TREX18 MDG (Tom’s Requirement Engineering eXtensions for ISO 9126) represents a standard-compliant extension of the SysML and offers specialized requirement and stakeholder model elements that are based on the ISO Standard 9126 .

Available Concepts

In TREX18, a distinction is made between model elements at the customer requirements level (Stakeholder Requests) and those at the system requirements level (System Requirements).

The stereotypes «InternalStakeholder» (internal stakeholders within the organization) and «ExternalStakeholder» (stakeholders external to the organization) are available for representing stakeholders. These can be assigned to all available types of requirements via different tagged values (ExternalStakeholder or ExternalStakeholder). A tagged value for the liability (Liability) is also available.

Requirements from the Stakeholders

The stakeholder requests at the customer requirement level are mapped with the «RequestedFeature» stereotype. Restrictions specified by the stakeholder are mapped with the «RequestedConstraint» stereotype, which represents a further specialization of a stakeholder request. Constraints are further specialized by the «RegulatoryRequestedConstraint», «TechnologicalRequestedConstraint», «UserInterfaceRequestedConstraint» and «OperationalRequestedConstraint» stereotypes.

If a stakeholder request is to be further classified, a tagged value (RequestKind) is available. Regulatory restrictions can also be further classified with a tagged value (RegulatoryKind).

Requirements to the System

The system requirements at the system requirements level are mapped with the «SystemReqt» stereotype. Specialized stereotypes are available for functional («FunctionalSysReqt») and non-functional («NonFunctionalSysReqt») requirements. In the event that functional requirements are to be further classified, a tagged value (FunctionalKind) is available.

The non-functional requirements are further broken down into the subcategories of regulatory requirements (“RegulatorySysReqt”), design requirements (“DesignSysReqt”) and quality criteria (“QualityCriteria”). Regulatory system requirements can be further classified with a tagged value (RegulatoryKind).

Design requirements are further specialized by the «PhysicalSysReqt», «TechnologicalSysReqt», «UserInterfaceSysReqt» and «OperationalSysReqt» stereotypes.

The specialization of the quality criteria is based on ISO Standard 9126 and covers the entire quality characteristics of the standard with the stereotypes “FunctionalityQualityCriteria”, “ReliabilityQualityCriteria”, “UsabilityQualityCriteria”, “EfficiencyQualityCriteria”, “MaintainabilityQualityCriteria” and “PortabilityQualityCriteria”. The sub-characteristics defined in the standard are implemented via tagged values.



  • Enterprise Architect Desktop Application, Version 15.x or higher

Variant A: Install directly to repository (recommended)

  1. Download and unpack the MDG archive to any directory.
  2. Start the Enterprise Architect Desktop Application and open the desired repository.
  3. Switch to the Browser view in the Enterprise Architect Desktop Application.
  4. In the Browser view, switch to the Resources category.
  5. In the Resources category, locate and expand the MDG Technologies entry so that the sub-entries become visible.
  6. Right-click the Model Technologies sub-entry and select Import Technology from the context menu to open the dialog for importing an MDG technology.
  7. In the Import MDG Technology dialog, use the button to extract the TREX18DEMO.xml file from the directory into which it was unzipped.
  8. In the Import MDG Technology dialog via ensure that the Import to Model option is selected.
  9. Close the open dialog with the OK button.
  10. The previously loaded MDG technology now appears below the MDG Technologies entry.

Variant A: The dialogs of steps 4-6.

Variant A: Step 7.

Variant B: Make available via a (network) drive

  1. Download and unpack the MDG archive to any directory.
  2. Open a Windows Command Prompt.
  3. In the Windows Command Prompt, switch to the desired drive for the deployment (e.g. N).
    (e.g. N:↵)
  4. In the Windows Command Prompt, switch to the desired directory for the deployment (e.g. EA-MDG-Technologies).
    (e.g. cd "N:\EA-MDG-Technologies"↵)
  5. Copy the TREX18DEMO.xml file to the current directory.
    (e.g. copy "C:\Users\\Downloads\TREX18DEMO.xml" .↵)
  6. Quit the Windows Command Prompt.
  7. Launch the Enterprise Architect Desktop Application.
  8. In the Enterprise Architect Desktop Application, switch to the Specialize ribbon and use the Manage-Tech button to open the dialog for managing the MDG technologies.
  9. In the MDG Technologies dialog, use the Advanced… button to open the dialog for managing the search paths for MDG technologies.
  10. In the MDG Technologies – Advanced dialog, use the Add… button and the Add Path… menu item to add the desired directory for the provision (e.g. EA-MDG Technologies) as an additional search path for MDG technologies.
  11. Close all open dialogs using the respective OK button.
  12. If the TREX18 MDG should always be loaded when the Enterprise Architect Desktop Application is started, open the dialog for managing the MDG technologies again using the Manage-Tech button.
  13. In the MDG Technologies dialog, locate the entry for TREX18 in the list of technologies and activate the Enabled option to the right.
  14. Close the open dialog with the OK button.

Variant B: The dialogs of steps 8-10.

Variant C: Make available in EA installation directory

Attention: Some of the following steps require administrator rights.

  1. Download and unpack the MDG archive to any directory.
  2. Open a Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.
  3. Change to the C drive in the Windows Command Prompt.
    (e.g. C:↵)
  4. In the Windows Command Prompt, switch to the installation directory of your Enterprise Architect Desktop Application.
    (e.g. cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\EA"↵)
  5. In the Windows Command Prompt, switch to the MDG Technologies subdirectory.
    (e.g. cd MDG Technologies↵)
  6. Copy the TREX18DEMO.xml file to the current directory.
    (e.g. copy "C:\Users\\Downloads\TREX18DEMO.xml" .↵)
  7. Quit the Windows Command Prompt.
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