How to renew your Trial Version for another 30 days!

Did you know that you could extend your trial version by at least another 30 days?
(Up to a maximum usage of 180 days)


What do you have to do if your trial version has expired?

Then extend the trial for ANOTHER 30 days! A trial version can be used for up to 180 days.


Please note:

  • HOWEVER, the trial license can ONLY be extended for ANOTHER 30 days
  • EVERY TIME a NEW LICENSE KEY must be requested from SparxSystems Europe via EMAIL (
  • The KEY CANNOT be extended to a total of 180 days at once!


To extend an additional 30 days, proceed as follows:

  1. Request the renewal key from SparxSystems Europe.

Do that here via EMAIL:

Please note: The trial period must have expired before you can enter the renewal key.


  1. Open the “Extension Keys Window“


To do so, hold down the CTRL key first and then press [Exit] for Version 15.2 and higher.
For older Versions press [Continue Trial] instead.


  1. Then paste the „Extension Keywith its brackets and hyphens {XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX} into the space provided and finally click OK!



If no popup appears, but the EA starts after a progress bar, you can also get the renewal key via START | Help | Enter Register and Manage Your License Key(s)…
Entering the key is only necessary/possible after the trial period has expired.


This extends the trial period by another 30 days.

If you want to renew the trial again, request another renewal key for another 30 days and please indicate so in the email which you have to send to us  (Extension of renewal key from 60 to 90 days, and then another 90 to 120 days…)

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