If you want to connect Enterprise Architect with Cloud Services or Pro Cloud Server – where no user credentials are part of connection string – because you should use IIS for authentification – then it may make sense to encrypt the Connection String as it is possible with DBMS Connection Strings.
Here is how to make that possible:
First connect to a Cloud Service/Pro Cloud Server:
Enterprise Architect opens the project – so to see and modify the connection string Open the Project Open dialog – Editing the Connection String shows the details:
RAS --- ;Connect=Cloud=protocol:http,address:,port:804;Data Source=RAS;DSN=RAS;
Now save the Project as Project Shortcut – there is an option to encrypt the connection string::
EAConnectString:RAS --- ;ConnectEx=rdwj!AIh`=&akz/7p{K2oA/t9ofR9i}u<Hw(1i*D<6OX)Y+n{r\H[;>:b0"{$65a8xey2,QfkRJ,;
“EAConnecdtString:” is not part of the connection string – but now you can use that connection string instead of the other one – remove any existing other connections from the list – and now connection to Cloud Services/Pro Cloud Server is encrypted.