Setup Training Licenses

If we provide you with temporary Enterprise Architect floating licenses for the duration of a training course, these must be set up on the participants’ workstations as follows:

  1. Ribbon Start: [ Help | Help | Register and Manage Your License Key(s)… ].
  2. License Management dialog: [ Add Key ].
  3. Add registration Key dialog: [ Get Shared Key | Shared Key Store > Button […] ].
  4. “Shared Keystore Selection” dialog: [ Sparx Keystore Server ].
  5. If a configuration already exists, take a screenshot of the “Shared Keystore Selection” dialog to be sure, or copy the contents of the [Server Address], [Port] and [User Name] fields to a text file (this makes restoring the data easier).
  6. In the [Protocol] field, select https://.
  7. Enter the configuration parameters provided in the [Server Address] field.
  8. Enter the configuration parameters provided in the [Port] field.
  9. Enter the configuration parameter provided in the [User Name] field.
  10. Enter the configuration parameter provided in the [Password] field.
  11. Click on the [ Test ] button to check whether the configuration works.
  12. To complete the configuration process, confirm all dialogs with [ Ok ].

Setup Training Licenses

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