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Install Modeling Assistants under CrossOver

Installing the Modeling Assistants into an already configured Enterprise Architect bottle is very easy.

Step 1: Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

In CrossOver start the installation of a new application. Then search a…

Posted in LieberLieber Modeling Assistents, Addon Products

Enable User Security

Enabling Security on an Enterprise Architect project allows users to login to a model with certain privileges.

To enable User Security on your Corporate Enterprise Architect Project:

  1. Open your project file in Enterprise Arc…

Posted in Enterprise Architect

Windows auf eine SSD umziehen

Eine Festplatte unter Windows tauschen oder Windows auf eine flotte SSD umziehen? Dazu reicht es aus, die Inhalte auf das neue Speichermedium zu klonen.

Posted in Infrastructure

Set Association Properties

In a so-called 1: N – or more generally N: M – relation modeled by an association between two objects, it is sometimes necessary to specify a little more information – for example, an object instance may not take part in that rel…

Posted in Enterprise Architect, Modeling SysML, Modeling UML, Tips & Tricks

Diagram Selection - No or Too Few Diagram Types

Sometimes it happens that in the dialog for creating diagram (Add Diagram…, New Child Diagram|…) or changing the type of diagram (Change Type…) the list of diagram types listed under [Type] (eg

Posted in User Interface, Diagrams, Enterprise Architect, Configuration, Modeling ArchiMate®, Modelling BPMN, Modeling SysML, Modeling TOGAF, Modeling UML, Tips & Tricks

State Machines: Behavior in States (OnEntry/Exit/Do)

The article is intended at beginners and advanced users alike and discusses the possibilities to add behavior to states.


In UML (and also SysML) an internal behavior can be defined at the states …

Posted in User Interface, Enterprise Architect, Modeling SysML, Modeling UML, Tips & Tricks

Basics: Configuration of Look & Feel (EA-14)

The article is intended at beginners and advanced users alike and shows how to influence and configure the look and feel of Enterprise Architect.

Property Dialogs (EA-13) vs Property Windows (EA-14)

For most us…

Posted in Enterprise Architect, News

Keyboard Shortcuts

The article is intended at beginners and advanced users alike and gives a small help for the shortcuts used in Enterprise Architect.

The Enterprise Architect was designed with the aim of efficient usability. So it’s not surprisi…

Posted in Enterprise Architect, Tips & Tricks

Ribbons in EA-14

For converters of older EA versions, the ribbons introduced with EA-13 (instead of the menus) represent one of the biggest challenges. One of the best sources to find out where to find what, the manufacturer in the Posted in User Interface, Enterprise Architect, Tips & Tricks

Icons for Selected Elements

The meaning or function behind the displayed icons when an item is selected in a chart (but they are displ…

Posted in User Interface, Enterprise Architect, Tips & Tricks